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Even more pics

Heres some more pics i come across....

Smoke 'em up!
Gary Meyers: the summernats burnout king...

LJ Torana
I personally thought this was a great action shot from summernats 2000. Pitty about the car though....
Comaro Burnout
Again summernats 2000. The Comaro does well. A great action pic...
An aussie classic
The all mighty XC Cobra Coupe.
All Ford Day
I think this is f@#king lovely. A Ford Jim Beam Promo car. What a combination...

All Ford Day
A neat example of a XY GT.

V8 XF Falcon
Lovely car to ride in. Had the pleasure of riding in this one...

This is Russell Ladbrooks example of a Ford Cobra. He says all the standard running gear is under a tarp in his shed. Good place for it when you got hardware like this...

The GT Owners Club
these guys always make there presence felt at most car shows in Perth and with such classic vechiles, why not....